Tuesday, March 3, 2009

25 Random Things

25 Random Things About Me

1. I was named after Mama Mary. Wish I'm like her though. Hehe! :P

2. "I wasn't born under an Ox! I was born under the ceiling!" (From Joan De La Trinidad) <- This explains why I'm stubborn! ;]

3. I have soooo many bags, be it ukay or orig. ;]

4. I can't leave the house without my L'oreal Ideal Balance Foundation and Shu Uemura Blush.

5. I love desktop than laptop cos practically speaking, the former can be easily repaired and the parts are cheaper than the latter. ;]

6. I practically spend most of my time in front of the computer.

7. I know I can sing but I'm just too shy. Haha! ;]

8. I definitely love RnB and Alternative genres!!!

9. My Math skills bloomed in my College Years and received praises from my professors. Geesh, I wasn't THAT good back in my SJS Years. ;]

10. I'm good at composing poems.

11. I'm a very VERY very VERY GOOD drinker... I want it HARD!!!

12. I'm insomniac and I can stay up for 2 days straight.

13. I can't live without caffeine!

14. My favorite cigarette brand is Marlboro Lights Menthol. ;]

15. I HAD a cyst.

16. I would always go to school drunk back in my college years but still made it to one of the top students in class. Haha! The power of alcohol!! ;]

17. Legally, I'm an only child. Yes, I'm sooo pampered and I have everything I need... and NO, I'm not really "bantay-sarado."

18. Sorry but I don't eat ampalaya and slimy, stinky sea foods.

19. I collect MP3s and I keep adding my HDD for more space.

20. I only turn off my computer for an hour every day cos I'm a heavy torrent downloader.

21. I love criminal and political law.

22. I love taking pictures... OBVIOUSLY!!! ;] I don't leave the house without my digicam, too!

23. I only apply lotion on my feet, hands and elbows.

24. My most physically painful experience was during my final initiation in Fiatlux, a school-based organization. WHEW!!! It was like a fraternity-sorority rites! Hehe! ;]

25. My current worry is: LAW SCHOOL!!!!

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